Terms and conditions – Senior Domestic
By registering to play in a Collingwood Basketball Association Senior Domestic competition:
- Entries are subject to the Collingwood Basketball Association Senior Domestic Competition Rules and By-Laws and relevant Association and Basketball Victoria codes of conduct. These are available online at the Association’s website and also in printed form for reference at the venue.
- The team certifies that all players are aged 15 or over (age 14 by special application) and that all players are fit to participate in the competition.
- The team agrees to ensure that all fees, game payments and fines incurred will be paid in full and on time.
- Collingwood Basketball Association retains the right to use for publicity purposes, photographs taken during training, games, tournaments and social occasions.
- Team members consent to receive medical treatment if necessary and to bear any associated costs if not covered by the included Basketball Victoria insurance.
- All participants are responsible for their possessions.
- I agree that players’ first name and surname (but not address) may be published in team lists on the Association website.
- I understand that registration fees are generally NON REFUNDABLE.
Collingwood Basketball Association is a not-for-profit organisation. We run cashless payments wherever possible. You may pay entry fees, program fees, weekly game fees, fines, uniforms, merchandise and any other charges by VISA or MasterCard.
All payments are inclusive of GST and transaction charges. Entry fees and other game-associated fees are received by Collingwood Basketball Association Inc (ABN 75 766 486 357). The individual Annual Participant Licence fee, where applicable, is received via PlayHQ by Basketball Victoria Inc (ABN 92 328 079 452).
Credit card details are not kept by us and are only used by the internet payment gateway provider to process payments securely.
Terms and conditions – Tax Deductible Donations
Tax Deductible Donations to Collingwood Basketball Association are made through the Australian Sports Foundation:
By making a donation to Collingwood Basketball Association you are confirming that your gift is made unconditionally to the Australian Sports Foundation and you agree to the Sports Foundation’s Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.